raven riley beach has become so great that nudity has virtually vanished entirely from
In the doctor’s office we
Stay covered up with our clothing or with hospital gowns, just revealing small
patches of our skin when completely essential. Locker rooms, saunas, etc., have
This isn’t even mixed group nudity
We are speaking about. Even among our own sex we conceal our bodies, either by not
being bare in any way, or by transforming in a stall, or by keeping a towel carefully
wrapped around ourselves.
Even when we are nude, we
hide http://nudismphotos.net/posts/we-treat-nudity-and-sexuality/ in shame. Every minute of every day.
We swim with clothing on,
Despite the fact that that’s crazy. We sleep with clothes on, even though we’re tucked
away under a blanket where no one will see us. We even remain dressed in front of
our spouse–our sex partner–who has already seen us naked in the most intimate
of conditions and with whom more than anyone else we must feel
comfortable being nude. Even in the privacy of our houses we remain dressed. Why?
We do it because body
shame has been so deeply ingrained into our mind that we can not imagine doing
anything else. Nudity under nearly all circumstances seems so unknown to us
that we can’t view it as anything but a weird aberration, if not a downright
There are billions and billions of human bodies spread throughout this world.
All of us understand
what they look like–we all understand what gear they have. What on earth do we
think we are hiding from each other?
Actually, we’re not
others nude or others see us bare. It’s just an emotional, irrational
reaction, based on a lifetime of heavy, extensive mental conditioning.
Mental maltreatment.
Is not it emotional mistreatment
to condition your children to have feelings of shame and horror just because
someone accidentally sees them nude?
Is not it emotional maltreatment
to condition your kids to feel shock, anxiety, or disgust at the mere sight of
a body?
When we feel shame, anxiety, terror over bodies, we are feeling those feelings
No wonder people have such
a hard time connecting to each other. We fear each other at an extremely basic level. We
are all driven by nature or God to take nude bodies with us wherever we
go! Those terrible, shocking, shameful nude bodies! What was God thinking?
How can we maybe
interact normally with each other, steeped in attitudes like that?
Exactly what negative
Effects result from shaming kids into wearing clothing, and continuing
that brainwashing process until the day they die?
Children are left in
ignorance. We believe it is a wonderful, educational thing to take children to the
zoo. But what do they do at the zoo? Stare at the naked bodies of animals. This
is considered very educational. And it’s.
Yet kids are never
allowed to stare at the naked bodies of the species that’s most significant for
them to learn about. It is great for their sake to learn all

species they belong to and will marry. Never the body they live in
Kids don’t get to
Totally understand and tolerate the differences between the genders. Boys have
Dick, girls have vaginas. But to a lad
who isn’t enabled to learn about human bodies, a girl doesn’t have a
vagina–she’s been castrated of her penis. To a girl, a boy doesn’t have a
Dick–he’s a odd growth where his vagina should be. And these are the
boys and girls fortunate enough to have caught a glimpse of the opposite sex nude.
is so much sexual dysfunction in marriages?
Kids do not get to
become comfortable with the process of puberty before it happens. When their
bodies start shifting, it’s a traumatic thing. Why? Because it’s natural for
puberty to be traumatic?
Absolutely not! It’s a
It’s traumatic because
They’re not prepared for it. Is that not emotional abuse?
They begin growing hair
around their pubic area and within their armpits. What’s that all about? For
boys, the penis enlarges (is it diseased?) and hair starts to grow on the face.
enlarge on their chests.
have there been about children who were absolutely unprepared for these changes? Is
that not child abuse, to allow kids to enter this period of life unprepared
Just because their parents are embarrassed to discuss it (thanks to their
own emotional brainwashing from their parents)?
But even with kids who